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  • Immagine del redattoreAlessio


Imagine a website that lists all the companies/Brands you know 🌐

You can post a review or make a suggestion for improvement 🙋‍♂️💁🏽‍♀️

Just for your favorite company that you know very well 🏭

The company can read an excerpt of your suggestion 🤩

And contact you to agree with you how to develop it 📬

The idea is to offer a useful tool for companies to receive structured feedback from loyal customers, who know the product well and who can make a quality contribution to improving it.

The Customer can then enter his suggestion that the company can read in a short format and if interested can contact him for more information that will earn the Customer a profit. The gain can be both economic (to be agreed) and in products of the company itself based on the customer's preference.

In this way a virtuous circle of "infinite" quality suggestions will be activated which will guarantee continuous improvement.

Targets 🎯

- Creative

- Problem solver

- Companies/Brands of any category

Problems ⚠️

- Get quality feedback from your customers

Experiences 🎨

- Propose an improvement in a structured way and profit from it

- Improve your company with quality feedback

Would you like to help your favorite company/brand?

Would you pay your loyal customer for quality feedback that can improve your business?

For more details, write me an email and I will be happy to share them with you...

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