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  • Immagine del redattoreAlessio


Imagine an app for charity across your country and beyond 📱🤝

Where you can choose a store and buy a product 🥪🥤

This product, a meal, a drink or something else will be available to those who do not have the money to buy it 🙋‍♂️💁🏽‍♀️

Just ask the shopkeeper what is available and it will be given to him 🥰

By entering the network, the shop will have great visibility 🌐

This idea, as simple as it may seem, contains several messages.

The first of all is to do charity in a new way, that is by buying products from companies or shops which in turn give them to less well-off people.

The second is to do charity consciously or by donating a well-defined product in a well-defined place, a particular street or a particular quantity.

The third is to indirectly help the businesses that offer these services as well.

The app is synonymous with wealth as only those who can afford it have a device on which to use it, while those who are really in need and don't have much wealth can take advantage of the donated products simply by seeing the advertising present directly in the shop.

Targets 🎯

- People in need

- People I want to do charity

- Companies that make their products available

Problems ⚠️

- Helping people in need

Experiences 🎨

- Purchase products to donate to those who need them most

- Helping shops and businesses in crisis that are in places far from us

Would you like to help people less fortunate than you?

For more details, write me an email and I will be happy to share them with you...

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