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Reasone Why...

There are several reasons why a person may choose to give away their business ideas.


First, sharing ideas can lead to collaboration and the creation of something even better. When multiple people contribute their unique perspectives and skills, the result can be a more refined and successful concept.


Second, sharing ideas can help to mitigate the risk of failure. By getting feedback and input from others, a person can identify potential problems and make adjustments before investing a lot of time and resources into a project.


Third, Giving away business ideas can be a way to give back to the community, by helping others to create new opportunities for themselves and others.


I do because overall, giving away business ideas can be a beneficial way to build connections, develop new skills, and contribute to the growth and success of others.

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"An idea alone is worth nothing, and keeping it to yourself is a symptom of selfishness.
The only way to make an idea great is by sharing it and getting someone to make it happen, with or without you

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