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  • Immagine del redattoreAlessio

#4 IDEA💎

Imagine an ancient world you've always dreamed of living in 🗡🛡️

Emotions, habits, the places of your dreams 🏛️😮

Think about the role you wish you had in the past 🤴👸

Take part in an immersive journey in a fantastic reality, a medieval castle, a Renaissance palace... 🏰🤩

Where you can be the protagonist of your own story in a real life situation 🤺

The idea is to offer an immersive holiday in a dream place where a real environment will be recreated based on the era in which you want to live the experience. For example, in a medieval village with a castle, you can live your experience by becoming the king, prince or a knight of the village. Everything will be skilfully managed by the organizing company. You will only have to choose the period, 3, 5 or 7 days. The experience involves living according to the dictates of the chosen era. It will be the best experience of your life, I'm sure. Who hasn't said at least once in their life: "I would have liked to live in the Middle Ages" or "I would have liked to live in the Renaissance". Now it will be possible. A high-level experience that you will carry with you forever in life.

Targets 🎯

- Retail consumer customers

Problems ⚠️

- Wanting to go back in time to a distant era as if it were real

Experiences 🎨

- A holiday where you will be immersed in an ancient era

- You will be able to play the role of a king or a knight, living a few days according to tradition

- A mix between RPG and reality

Would you try this holiday experience?

For more details, write me an email and I will be happy to share them with you...

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